Read This Article if You Think Technology is Bad?

Many have said that technology is prostituting what is to be human. They say that humans are hunter-gatherers and peaceful creatures by nature. They say that humans are loving and caring and close social species with love for family and friends. We see this in the great apes and our genetics are similar. Whether you are one to believe in evolutionary theory or creationism is really immaterial in the debate of whether humanity is being ruined by modern advances in technology.

But is technology really the reason for the decline in human behavior, wars or even the new anti-social norm amongst the many? Is the problem more with the family unit, society or is it indeed an issue of advancing technologies. What does technology have to do with the decline in ethics? The over all integrity factor in most first world nations is not very becoming of such a purported noble species. If we look at emerging nations, we do not see much better values, so all of humanity seems to be lacking everywhere you look, even where no technology exists.

If this is the case then where is the argument against technology or the future advances in technology in trade for a better humanity? If humans were back in the stone ages, well they would be throwing sticks and stones at each other, back stabbing their neighbors and fighting over tools that they made. They would be stealing each other