Bring Peace to Iraq

Such would be of benefit to the whole world and to all peoples on Earth.

It is easier done than said. There has been plenty said and no progress.

What needs to be done

Seek out what can be agreed by all. Omit talk about anything else.

Decide the basic essentials, which would be agreed by all men and women of goodwill, which might exclude George Bush. So be it.

The first priority for discussion and for decision by all people of Iraq, is to decide on a monetary system that can please everyone.

Will Iraq have a single common currency, for the whole, or should each division of Iraq have its own currency.

If Government or Governments in Iraq, each had only one function, that function must be to create and issue its currency. A Parliament that does not have control of the creation and issuance of its own money, is a meaningless cipher.

Therefore if it were decided by the majority of people living in Iraq, that a single common currency for the whole country would serve them best, then automatically they would come to have one Government and one Parliament.

The drafting of a constitution would then be placed on a back burner until Parliament became established.

Likewise if each sub-division of Iraq, be that two or three or even more in number, each chose to have its own currency, created and issued by its own Government and Parliament, all talk of a constitution will be put on hold, until that process of creation is complete.

The reason for all this, lies in the fact that whosoever creates a Nations currency, has total control, power, dominion and sovereignty over that nation.

So that if the Kurds for example, decided to have their own currency, they would achieve the only independence worth having.

Knowing George Bush, such an idea for Iraq, would give him apoplexy. It would kill him politically, and he would become history.

It might cause civil war in America, but it would bring peace to Iraq.

About the Author

Dr Hamlyn is a founding member of the Royal College of General Practitioners, a veteran of WW II, retired farmer and practicing medical doctor. He is a prolific and articulate voice on the subject of monetary reform.