The Healing Crisis

A healing crisis may occur when the vital forces within the body build up enough strength to handle detoxification. A healing crisis manifests when the body is ready. For example:

1. You have caught up on your rest.
2. You have stopped taking drugs/chemicals/alcohol and other nutrients that are not working for you.
3. You replace old and destructive eating patterns with new healthy eating patterns.
4. You have cleansed enough from your system to strengthen the nervous system or blood supply.

Eating fresh raw fruits and vegetables:

1. Improves oxygen utilization
2. Helps burn up waste products in the system
3. Stabilizes the bloods pH and makes it more alkaline. This, in turn, gives the body energy to fight off disease, so that it can detoxify and rebuild (in that order).

Note: Cooked, processed, or pasteurized fruits and vegetables are devoid of enzymes. Heat kills many vitamins. Cooked fruits will make the body more acidic. Disease only survives in acid bodies, so you really need to eat raw foods for optimal health. Consuming three servings EACH DAY of raw fruits and vegetables is the minimum for optimal health.
