Septic Systems: The Inside Story - Two Main Causes of System Failures

How well do you understand septic systems? To see if you know enough about these systems, try to answer the following questions.

Septic Systems: Do you know...?

Do you know what a septic system is and how it works?

Do you know what causes septic systems to fail?

Do you know what it costs to replace a faulty septic system?

Do you know that a faulty septic system creates a potential health hazard?

Most people know very little about their septic system. This is understandable. In urban and suburban areas there are sewers to carry household waste to municipal wastewater treatment plants. In most rural areas however, septic systems provide the function of both sewers and treatment plants. All household waste is disposed of through the septic system. The proper operation of the septic systems is essential to health, property value, and the ecology.


Hoisting a 1200 gallon septic tank from a truck.Following these hints, and observing the warning signs will help to ensure a long-lasting sewage system, avoid expensive repairs or replacements, and protect everyone's water supply.

1. Have the septic tank pumped out every two to three years. This will remove the accumulated sludge and scum which would other wise reach the tile field and cause blockage resulting in a malfunctioning sewage system and costly repairs. This is the single most effective means of ensuring a long-lasting sewage system.

2. It is always wise to practice water conservation.

3. Use soaps and detergents which are low in phosphates. Most automatic dishwashing detergents contain high concentrations of phosphates.

4. Do not flush hazardous chemicals such as paints, varnish, thinners, waste oil, pesticides, photographic solutions, etc.

5. Do not flush coffee grinds, dental floss, disposable diapers, kitty litter, sanitary napkins, tampons, cigarette butts, condoms, fat, grease or oil, paper towels, etc.

6. Commercial septic tank additives are not necessary and not recommended.

7. Do not allow vehicles including snow machines and ATV