Bush's Second Term! A Chance for More Wars or A Stable Peace

The American last elections and some questions in the point!

Bush victory in the American ellections
and his second term is a good indication
to the successful American policy towards
the Middle East and specially in Iraq.
That doesn't mean Bush is right, but it
means that the majority of the Americans
voted for him in spite of what he has done
in Iraq.

The 2004 American ellections results
should not be considered as something
simple, because they declared that the
American President has the strongest
support ever for his International policy
towards the Middle East and Iraq.

The invasion of Iraq, will certainly keep
impressing the American policy by shame
as Heroshima did for a long time in our
humankind history.

Yes, there was a dictator there in Iraq
and that dictator had invaded Kuwait
in spite of all the brotherhood ties
between his country and his neighbors.
But where was the International political
solution then? Where was the UN and all
those International humanrights bodies?

The American Administration had a very
well known role to politically change
power in some parts of the World through
a coup d'etat and even an anti-coup d