Accident Or On Purpose?

I've been listening to some audio tapes that I have by Robert G. Allen and worked on one of his recommended exercises. It's very effective if you really spend the time e.g. an hour or more and focus well in completing it, plus even repeat it a few times to gain yet greater clarity. Let me know how you go.

Draw up 4 large quadrants on a sheet of paper. In each quadrant, write one of each of these four questions: What is important to me? What do I love to do? What am I good at? What was I born to do? Write your top 7 answers to each. Relax and do not make this a significant and serious exercise. Then rank each quadrant's 7 answers in order of importance to you.

Finally, using the top 3 responses in each quadrant, write a paragraph or two of what you stand for, what your life will be about and to what/who you will make a difference.

Write the completed purpose statement over and over till you refine it down to a one or two sentence statement that is simple and powerful enough for you to want to enlarge and pin up, to easily repeat to yourself often or to carry around on a small card.

If you'd like the copy of my jottings when I did this exercise then click here to email me.

My version is not yet complete to my satisfaction. Here is what I finished with when I first did the exercise:

I collect, organise, simplify, share and exchange empowering self-help information that gives us all simple and easy access to many ideas for fulfilling personal life visions, accomplishing our life