Using Reward Charts - Hints and Tips

Reward charts:

Help parents so they do not need to rely on punishment as a means of discipline.

Offer a structured system to manage discipline and give clear boundaries to the child.

Are fun and flexible - Use them in a way that works for you and your child.

Teach children to take responsibility for their own behaviour.

* Reward charts are suitable for older toddlers and children.

* Your child must understand what behaviour is expected of them.

* Be realistic. Make sure that you are not expecting too much as your child will get disheartened. Start off at a level where it is easy for your child to achieve rewards, then slowly increase the expectations.

* Determine what behaviour(s) you want to address. If there are several issues, try to focus on them individually. Perhaps prioritise which behaviour should be tackled first.

* Be consistent. If you show a loss of interest in the chart your child is likely to be less motivated.

* When your child completes a chart you could offer them a special treat. This doesn't have to be sweets or money. It could be a certificate or special sticker. Why not let your child choose tomorrows evening meal, invite a friend round or perhaps they could suggest a family outing.

* Don't forget to use plenty of smiles, kisses, hugs, and praise as well as rewarding with stickers.

* Be positive. Instead of saying