Make your Move Harmoniously

Moving can be one of life's most stressful experiences. There are a number of details you have to take care of in addition to your usual routine. As a weight loss and wellness consultant the number one problem that I see with my clients are damage due to stress. Primarily long term stress. Studies show, that short term stress, like the kind you have before an exam, is manageable even beneficial at times. This type of stress enhances memory and help us to be productive. Once the deadline is met, the stress disappears.

Long term stress is another story and can be potentially very harmful to the mind and body. It causes headaches, backaches, high blood pressure, compromises your immune system and is a major factor in heart attacks. Studies show intense long term stress can negatively impact your memory. If all this wasn't enough, stress can cause you to gain weight.

Don't get caught in the stress cycle, all of the above problems especially gaining weight will cause you to feel even more stress. If you are a stress eater for example and you gain weight it will only intensifies your stress. The same is true if you procrastinate, know you have to do a task will cause stress, then not doing it will intensify your stress.

An element of stress is part of life, it is how your deal with stress that really matters. You can manage stress, it is your choice. Ask yourself "How long have I been feeling this stress?" and What can I do to manage it now?"

Here are some of my recommendations for managing stress:

  • Meditate: just close your eyes and focus on your breath for five minutes

  • Pray: it will slow down your mind and restore you faith

  • Sleep 8 hours per night

  • Breath, take some nice long deep breaths
  • Exercise 3-5 times per week

  • Go for a walk

  • Spend time outside with nature, on the water, in a park just enjoy this place we call Earth.

  • Avoid toxic people who try to control you, gossip, are needy, complain, or drain you in any way.

  • Catch up on the details of life, fill your gas tank, keep your dentist appointments, don't wait until the last minute.

  • Read a good book.

  • Take your supplements and medication

  • Eat healthy, wholesome foods, drink plenty of water.

  • Get involved in a hobby or activity that makes you smile.

  • Create harmony in your relationships, make peace with others and choose to surround yourself with people who coexist peacefully with you.

  • Delegate chores and tasks whenever possible.
  • Listen to peaceful music

    So be proactive during your move and make time to manage your stress levels.

    Rosa Smith-Montanaro is the CEO of a virtual weight loss and wellness community. She is the author of the book Mind Over Platter