Authentic Self

Authentic Self, what does that mean exactly? According to the dictionary, authentic is, "Worthy of trust, reliance, or belief: Having an undisputed origin; genuine."

Self is defined as, "The qualities of one person distinguishing him from another; personality or character; individuality. One's own interests."

If you're unsure whether you're living an authentic life or not, consider some of the following questions.

Do you feel successful on the outside but like a fraud on the inside? Is your public face a mask that reveals strength but the inside is scared? Do you have a sense of lingering loneliness in spite of the amount of people involved in your life? Are there people in your life that drain you? Does your career bring you a sense of peace and fulfillment? Do you make decisions based upon what others think or want just to be accepted?

Our Authentic Self is that place, deep within, that has the answers to all these questions. Where our truths, beliefs, values and dreams live; our "genuine,