The Answers Live Within

It never ceases to amaze me how the Universe consistently delivers the exact message we need to hear and at the perfect moment. Recently I had been experiencing some stress over a business decision that I was unsure about. Feeling completely stumped, I asked a couple of people who had experienced what I was going through for some help. Although the suggestions they shared with me seemed viable, it just wasn't compelling enough to get me to move forward and my frustration was building. For days all I could think of was, "Why on earth couldn't I figure this out and why can't I find anyone to come up with a solution that made sense to me?"

I needed to chill out about this so I picked up a magazine to help free my mind. While reading the magazine, it slipped out of my hands and fell face up on the floor. When I bent over to pick it up, right in front of me were huge, bold words that said, "The answers are all inside." Well, I had to laugh, since my mantra, to my coaching clients, is exactly that. I may not always speak those words out loud but I always hold the intention that every one of my clients has the answers inside of them and we just need to sift through some of the clutter to find it. Obviously, I was being shown, in no uncertain terms, the time had come to follow my own belief.

You see, although I was reading this magazine, thinking I was distracting myself from the situation, I was actually still very focused on my dilemma and every other sentence I read was replaced with a thought about the issue I was dealing with. Once I was hit with that message I knew I had to let go of working so hard to figure out the answer with the information others had shared with me. Instead, it was time to honestly relax and trust my solution would show up from within easily and effortlessly and in the time frame I had.

I went for a walk in the woods with my dog, which always frees my mind and calms me immensely. By the time the walk was over I felt centered again and wanting to stay in a state of relaxation I went to see a movie. (After I took the dog home, of course) It was during the movie that I felt like a lightening bolt had struck me. I jumped up from my seat with a surge of excitement because out of the blue, I had my answer. There it was in all its glory seemingly so obvious once it exposed itself. I was so excited that I couldn't sit through the rest of the movie and left. I implemented what I came up with and it was absolutely the best decision I could have come up with.

There are definitely times in life when no one but yourself can come up with the answers. It's at those moments when you want to trust yourself enough to be able to do so. Now, if you're thinking about all the other times you've made decisions, which ultimately weren't the best ones, consider why that might have been. Perhaps you came up with the answer from a place of anxiety, fear, frustration, anger, worry or haste. When your mind is filled with these emotions it leaves no room for anything beneficial to show up, ultimately leaving you feeling unfulfilled.

I shared this story with you because it illustrates how a quiet mind can speak volumes for you. The key is to turn down the noise in your head and allow yourself to attain a peaceful state of mind, because when the mind is at peace, great ideas flow easily and naturally.

You need to create a vacuum and let the Universe fill that empty space up for you with the exact answer you need. The Universe abhors a vacuum and will always fill the space with something better.

So remember, when you find yourself in a state of indecision don't work so hard at figuring it all out immediately. Take some time to have a little fun and relax. Do what you most enjoy doing. The sooner you can transcend your state of mind the sooner your answer will appear. The more tightly you hold on to getting an answer, the longer it will take to receive one.

Copyright 2005, Linda Salazar all rights reserved. This article may be reproduced in its entirety as long as all credits are included.

Linda Salazar
Certified Personal Life Coach, Author, Speaker
Awaken The Genie Within