Bush War I and Bush War II: Now What?

Bush War I: The Gulf War

The most ridiculous concept that led us into Bush War II was that our troops would be welcomed as liberators by the Iraqi people.

Dick Cheney was a major proponent of this.

I never believed it.

I knew that thousands of widows and orphans, brothers and sisters, cousins and friends of Bush War I battle and civilian casualties would not welcome us with arms open. They are probably the core of the insurgency soliciting help from foreigners.

We also had completely destroyed the infrastructure of the country and then implied sanctions that caused many deaths due to lack of medical care (some say over one million).

To get an international perspective on Bush War I (known as the Gulf War), go to: http://www.geocities.com/iraqinfo/gulfwar/overview.html. Make sure you read the seven (7) link articles to the main article (Brief Overview of Persian Gulf War).

I believe that Bush War I could have been prevented. We were the major ally of Iraq. We downplayed Saddam