No Win No Fee Claim Solicitor - Benefits Of Appointing One?

If you were not already aware of it, the world of personal injury is awash with a new buzz-phrase: the no win no fee claim. However, what is no win no fee and more importantly, what are the benefits of appointing a no win no fee claim solicitor?


With the spiralling costs of Legal Aid swamping the UK treasury, the UK Government decided that the time has come to introduce a new method by which compensation solicitors could be paid for accident claims, thereby reducing the burden on them. The alternative agreed upon and put into operation in 1998, the no win no fee claim.

What Does It Mean?

Basically, a no win no fee compensation claim is available to anyone who believes they have grounds to make a personal injury claim for compensation. Under this conditional fee arrangement, an accident solicitor representing you in a personal injury claim is only entitled to be paid his fees if he actually wins the case.

Why Would A Compensation Solicitor Agree To Such An Arrangement?

Under the law, if you win your personal injury compensation claim, your compensation solicitor is entitled to claim his fees and expenses from your opponent. As a result, if your solicitor believes your case has merit, he'll be willing to work for you for free, safe in the knowledge that he'll be paid for his work by your opponent once he wins the case.

Is There Anything I Need To Be Aware Of?

Yes; sometimes a no win no fee solicitor will try to make you agree to pay his fees on the grounds that you can be reimbursed by your opponent once you win the case. However, you should keep in mind that the courts will only reimburse you for the reasonable fee costs of your solicitor