Pet Meds: The Natural Approach to Medicating Fido

It's known as many different names: holistic healing, old family remedies, bohemian health and simply natural healing. And now even man's best friend is getting into the herbal remedy craze.

In the past few years, more and more veterinarians are adopting the herbal remedy cure to keep Fido alive longer. And natural medicines are proving more popular every year with owners who grew up in a generation that grew ever more dependent on processed food and cure all antihistamines. And let's face it, dogs survived for a billion years before humans came along. They had to be something right while they were roaming the world. So let's look at some of the most prevalent diseases and health problems faced by today's pampered pooch and the natural remedies that can be used to solve them.

Let's start at the beginning. You bring home your brand new puppy and almost immediately, he gets a bad case of diarrhea. This is caused by the stress of leaving his family and his unfamiliar surroundings. The stress creates a bacterial imbalance in the puppy's stomach. In the past, vets would prescribe an antibiotic to solve this disgusting little ailment. There's a huge with this solution though. Not only does the antibiotic block the bad bacteria, it also blocks the good bacteria. All the antibiotic does is mask the problem for a few days and the diarrhea returns days later. The natural remedy to this problem is simple