Experiencing Life From the Back Seat

Your complete identity is mind, body and spirit. You are made up of these three elements.

Your mind is not thee mind and your brain is not your mind, the mind of the creator is the only mind that is. You serve the purpose of the creator and that purpose is to experience being independent of the creator. It is the creator trying to experience the creator, by not being the creator. You are in service to that which created you by being separated from it.

The physical experience can only be experienced with a physical body, so mind imagined a physical body to move through the physical dimensional worlds.

Because the body needed a secondary mind or driver to operate in this realm it imagined "you," and the "one mind," became a passenger observing the physical world through your eyes and senses and the illusion of your own mind.

Because mind is only a passenger or tourist along for the ride, mind gave you (ego) a mind of your own, or an illusion of an independent mind. It imagined itself in the driver's seat. This separation gave you independence to move at your own free will.

Before your birth, mind decided what it wanted to experience in the physical realm and put you into the driver's seat and gave you the perfect vehicle for the trip, a destination, gas, credit cards and a map to get you there. Because it is the ego that maneuvers through the physical world via its senses, it entrusted you or gave you free will to get around or experience the pot holes, detours and other obstacles as you journey through a life experience.

The mind is just the observer and it does not control the body in that it pretends to be taking a back seat to your own. It has given you absolute freedom of choice (unconditional love) to make any turns (correct or incorrect) to get to its destination. Through your experience and independence the mind has a sense of its own creation.

The spirit is the power, in this case the car that responds to the wishes of the ego. When the ego wishes to make a detour the spirit makes it happen. When the ego wishes to go faster or slower the spirit responds in kind. The triune of mind, body and spirit operate with the understanding that all three are going to arrive at the same place eventually.

The passenger has only one instruction