The Silent Villain

After a restful sleeps night, do you wake up feeling completely drained before you even put a foot on the floor? Even though you are a very focused individual, are your thoughts often foggy? You actively exercise and eat right, but are you still at least 15 pounds or more overweight? Despite your dietary limitations, is your stomach swollen? Even though you are relatively young, do you feel 20 years older than you are?

If these are very familiar symptoms that seem completely out of your control, relax. There could be an underlying condition in your system taking over and leaving you helplessly behind. That condition could be Candidia albican.

What is Candida?

Candida albican is a yeast that is normally found in the body, usually the digestive system (mouth, throat, and intestines). It is necessary because it destroys harmful bacteria and protects our bodies. There are millions of Candida albicans in a healthy system, and the immune system keeps it regulated with the