Integrative Medicine

You hear the terms integrative and complementary medicine often used interchangeably in the media as well as the scientific literature. Both terms signify a process of bringing parts together, to unify, or to make whole. That is exactly what integrative or complementary medicine does. It brings together different approaches to strengthen, maintain or reestablish optimal health. Complementary medicine incorporates alternative medicine aspects into mainstream medical practice. The movement towards acceptance of complementary medical techniques is accelerating as the supporting scientific evidence of its different beneficial properties mount and become more recognized. The narrow area of integrative medicine that uses specific supplements within mainstream medicine is perhaps the fastest growing area. As a practicing Internist for the last 22 years, I have always strived to run my medical practice based on scientific, proven treatments whenever possible. That same principle guides the use of alternative treatments that I offer my patients. I have always found it important that my medical decisions be supported by a systematic review of the literature that involves well designed clinical trials that support the efficacy, safety, cost effectiveness and outcomes of the treatment options. Most of these are from well respected, peer reviewed journals. While the scientific data and scientific evidence to support the important role of supplements such as vitamins and minerals in medicine have long been established, it has only been recently that we have seen a significant number of physicians starting to incorporate this knowledge into their day to day practice of medicine. Knowingly or not, these physicians are practicing integrative medicine.

In the information age we now live in, patients are better informed, more empowered and more involved in their healthcare decisions than ever before. Since sources on the internet and elsewhere vary from sound, well respected sites to pure marketing and outright confabulation, it is both crucial and wise to discuss any alternative treatment with a doctor who is aware of what has some science behind it, and what doesn