Marketing Yourself - Your Wealth Creation Checklist

You can avoid getting depressed about being unable to earn a living from skills you've taken a lifetime to acquire. Skills employers dismiss on the basis of your age. Baby boomers have an oversupply of a marketable commodity many consider worthless. Life Experience is what they have plenty of.

As a baby boomer you hold the bulk of the world's knowledge and talent in your heart and head. You need a fresh revelation that whatever you learned to enter the work force - and to stay there - has a value to the rest of the community.

The secret lies in the packaging.

Convert your knowledge and skills into information products and you will have created a Cash Cow that will last more than 20 years.

Information is one of the hottest products on the market today. You can successfully sell information products, relating to your workplace skills, on the internet providing you make use of the product development strategy of the experts.
