KVB: Whoever Wins, We Lose

While the rest of the world watches, Americans will be voting on November 2 to either re-elect George Bush, or John Kerry. You can be sure that as citizens of the earth, we all have a vested interest in the outcome of this election. The most powerful nation in the history of the planet is at war with terror, and terrorist organizations. This war started in New York City, on the infamous date of September 11th, and has now gone from Afghanistan to Iraq. Iran and her peoples are especially concerned, as they are most likely the next targets of the Bush administration. Slogans like "Vote or Die" are being shouted across that nation. The nation is almost equally divided, as history threatens to repeat itself after the Bush-Gore controversy in Florida. Kerry has vowed not to let that happen again, but how could he possible prevent that from happening? And if he does becoming elected, will America, much less the World, actually become a safer place?

The main thing about Bush is, you know what you get. He is a puppet on a string. A sock with a face painted on. A nothing. A nobody. His handlers and party leaders tell him what to say, while the corporations that have bid the highest get to dictate foreign and domestic policy. But you know that, or at least you know what the outcome will be as a result of his re-election. The Americans will continue to wage war. The gap between the haves, and the have-nots will widen. Jobs will be shipped to other countries. Nothing new. The same as the last 4 years. If the Americans didn't complain enough then, there is no reason to believe they will complain much louder at the end of another 4 years. The flip side to this is control. George Bush will maintain control of the people. Money is power for the republicans, not opinion. There is no money is losing control over your country. Should people start taking the law into their own hands, they will be punished quickly, and severely. Bush would stop anarchy from spreading.

John Kerry. Here is a man that joined the army because of his own ideals. When he came back home, and found that public sentiment was against it, he went with them. He was one of them to the point where he made a public demonstration of throwing away his army medals to make a statement. Except he still has the real ones. He put replicas on his army jacket. Fast forward to pre-9/11. Kerry voted to reduce funding to intelligence gathering, and the military. In the wake of the attacks in New York, Kerry became a Bush supporter, and followed public sentiment that more should be spent on national defense and the armed forces. Kerry backed all of Bush's war efforts, until public sentiment turned against Bush. If Kerry is elected, he will be a West Coast style President. He will be a surfer, riding the waves of public opinion. Problem what that is, it is a proven fact that when a mass of people are confronted with a negative situation, problems arise. Problems become hysteria, and hysteria will lead to bloodshed. It is possible that in the event of another terrorist attack, John Kerry will fan the flames of public angst instead of putting them out. He will be slow to react, causing those people who would be naturally opposed to stir those who would be normally neutral.

Both Bush and Kerry are members of a secret organization known as the Skull and Bones. There have been movies about them, but at the core of those movies there is truth. This society was created to elevate its members into positions of power. Most of these men today are either in office, or executives in Fortune 500 companies. No matter who is elected, there are companies that stand to gain more than others. It will be the job of either Bush or Kerry to keep the average Joe content enough to let it happen.

About the Author

Gary Whittaker is the editor of T.E.N Magazine, a social commentary webzine with balls! Check out more articles at http://www.tenwebzine.com