Vicious Vinegar

Vinegar, in general, is an impure dilute solution of acetic acid obtained by fermentation and used as a condiment and preservative. Folks, beware of vinegar. It is not a food (condiment). It is a solvent, but more importantly, it is a poison and toxin to the human body. All intelligent and health conscious people use vinegar as a household cleaning agent and maybe as a solvent. I personally use vinegar (white distilled) to remove the alkaline deposit from my stainless steel kitchenware (pots and pans). I soak these things in vinegar over night and the next morning my pots and pans look brand spanking new. Unbelievable! But I think to myself, if vinegar eats away alkalinity (alkaline deposits) like this, vinegar must be helluva acid. Also, if God/Creator (Jesus, Allah, the Annunaki, or whoever else one may believe to be God or the Creator) created us as human to have a natural pH balance of 7.3, which is slightly more alkaline, then if we foolishly or unknowingly consume vinegar or so-called