Using Christmas to Keep in Contact With Your Customers

The end of the year is fast approaching. I remember that years back I would take a couple weeks in December and just solidify my relationships with my buyers and sellers. I know that we are a little early right now but it is a good time to plan as some of the work can mount up during December if you are lucky.

Today, go through your list of clients and maybe clients and decide two things:

1. What is the value of this relationship today and tomorrow?

2. What is the best way to show that I care as a person and not as a salesperson?

Here is what I used to do. I would hand write Christmas cards to everyone on my maybe list of buyers and sellers with a little personal note, this could go out to 300 or 400 people or maybe only 50 you have to decide. You can write these Christmas or more probably holiday cards very quickly once you get a roll going. I just go to the local Wal Mart or somewhere where boxed cards are cheap and buy a bunch, fill them out with a short message personalized with their name on top and send them out. One bad mistake is to have the office pre print cards as it just screams of insincerity. On the same note be sure to stamp the envelope as your office may have a meter machine for postage and this will make your letter look more like a bill, no need to remind them of January early!

The next thing you can do is to find a supplier of low priced quality chocolates and get together with others in your office to order to drop the price point per box and then hand deliver these chocolates to each of your good clients. This will take more time as you want to do it close to Christmas and getting time in everyone