Invite Your Significant Other to a Therapy Session

When you are dating someone for a long period of time, you might find that they come up in your therapy sessions often, maybe once a session or so. If that happens, you might find it useful for your significant other to join you in a session, to discuss issues in your life, for them to voice concerns or in order to work out issues that are arising from your depression. This is not an easy thing and should not be approached lightly. However, if you think that this is a move that would be beneficial for you both, then there are steps to follow to both invite them and make the session productive.

To invite your Significant Other, start by simply sitting them down and discussing what has been talked about in therapy. Tell them that they have been mentioned, referring to the context as well as the content. The important thing to stress in this conversation is that the purpose of this session is not to attack, but to discuss issues. The idea of a joint session could be seen as a confrontational time, so it is important to stress the neutrality of the event.

Once you are in the therapy session, you want to avoid attacking each other. Issues should be discussed without hostility. The therapist should act as a neutral arbitrator instead of a commentator. But most importantly, what is said in the session should stay in the session. Feelings that are voiced should not be grounds for a fight later. That ensures that there will be no hesitation in discussing things.

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