Paranoia with People You Know

While it is easy to dismiss strangers when you suspect that they are talking about you, when it comes to friends, colleagues, supervisors and family, it is not necessarily as easy. If you see people you know and suspect that they are talking about you, you might find yourself trying to eavesdrop on other conversations to hear what they are saying. That is obviously a bad thing to do. Seeing them laugh as you walk away, or start talking as you leave a room could be very damaging to your ego. While some can dismiss that as irrelevant, you instantly look to it as being about you. How can you deal with it, and how can you stop worrying about it?

Dealing with it, preventing it from causing you worry, these are not easy things to do but they will feel so good when you have accomplished them. Once you no longer have to worry about what people are saying, then you will feel like you can be comfortable anywhere, which is not something that most people accomplish.

In order to do this, you need to halt an exercise that you might even know you do. You probably start looking right after the interaction for things that people can talk about, what you said that was stupid or things that you did that were bad. By searching for those faults on your own, you then project them onto other people. Not only did you notice these problems, but they did as well. You also need to acknowledge that other things go on and not everything is about you. That is important, as it prevents you from assuming that every conversation is about you. If you make the jump that no matter what they are talking about you, laughing at you, you will never be relaxed enough to be yourself. And you will never get over the paranoia.

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