Crochet Thread and Geometry - A Craft Project

Aside from its traditional use, crochet thread can be used for a number of other activities. One of the most creative and fun ideas for your kids to use crochet thread is in this geometry project which is both fun and a learning exercise.

All you need is old cardboard, paper, crochet thread, a large eye needle, ruler, child-safe glue, and any fun, miscellaneous decorative supplies (glitter, stickers, etc.). Remember, this is a child friendly project, so encourage their creative side in order to make the project successful and entertaining.

To begin the project, let your child choose a piece of paper. Take the old cardboard and have your child glue the paper to the cardboard with the child safe glue. This fortifies your geometric shape. Let the glue dry.

While the glue is drying, go through your child