Contagious Influence

So, you passionately desire to have a successful business. You've bought all the tools, read all the books, joined all the associations and you're still struggling to break even. This scenario is all too familiar for many small business owners. So how do you change all that? How do you help people recognize that what you have to offer is what they have been seriously looking for? Become contagious!

No, I am not talking about going out and passing around that flu bug. What I am recommending is the art of presenting yourself in a manner that attracts others to you.

Let's look at the facts. Nobody wants to buy anything that they haven't already bought-into. If they don't believe they won't buy. So how do you successfully develop a contagious personality if you weren't born with one? The steps are clear and simple. I call it the C+ principal.

C + C + C = CI.

The first C stands for Commitment. You have to be committed to what you have to offer. You have to genuinely believe in your product or service to be able to persuade others of its potential value. How many of you have a product or service that you don't believe 100% in? Have you lost your enthusiasm for what you have to provide? How do you expect others to conclude they just can't live without