Pork Barrel and The FED

Andrew Jackson Establishes The Pork Barrel:
The forces for corruption in government were there from the start. Thomas Jefferson put it well in a letter to Lafayette in 1823 when he wrote:
"I do not believe with the Rochefoucaults and Montaignes, that fourteen of fifteen men are rogue. I believe a great abatement from that proportion may be made in favor of general honesty. But I have always found that rogues would be uppermost, and I do not know that the proportion is to strong for the higher orders... These set out with stealing the people's good opinion, and then steal from them the right of withdrawing it by contriving laws and associations against the power of the people themselves."
Andrew Jackson knew that people like Jefferson had loans from the Rothschilds and he saw the dangers of letting anyone charge interest on loans to governments that could always be whipped up in a frenzy of war to accelerate the debt and mortgage the future of the nation. We must look with favor upon his fight to control the international financiers but having to buy off so many other people was the devil