Encouragement Words: Getting and Giving Courage

Do you try to say kind things about people?
Do you notice their worthwhile traits and tell them so?
Do you use encouragement words?

Courage is the root of encouragement. We instill courage in others by offering encouraging words. If people believe in themselves, they will try their best. By speaking words of encouragement, we encourage ourselves.

Courage is a Reflection of Your Higher Self
Courage is a reflection of your higher-self. When you speak encouragement words to others, the positive energy contained within them summons each of your spirits. For example, the simple act of telling a waiter that he is providing splendid service will make the waiter receptive to you, and he will go out of his way to continue to please you.

You may think about the service being good, but left unexpressed, your thoughts won't benefit the waiter or you. Giving encouragement is so basic of an act that we seldom do it as a matter of course. We may think that we are always encouraging. But are we?

When was the last time that you complimented your spouse, friend, relative or stranger? Do you feel that people have to provide an outstanding service for them to merit your praise?

Help Others to Develop Their Strengths
I'm not advocating praising poor performance; however, a few well-chosen words of encouragement may improve poor performance. To obtain the best that someone has to offer, we must first look for what is the best within them.

We don't do this by trying to change the way a person is. Rather, we encourage them to develop the strengths they have. In the words of Kahlil Gibran: "Our worst fault is our preoccupation with the faults of others."

Just as it is important to encourage others, it is even more important to encourage yourself. You may not receive much attention or a boost of morale from others. If no one is supportive of you, have confidence in your own self-worth. What you aren't getting from others will be supplied by your own inner resources.

Don't wait for someone else to complement you before you complement them. Others may be just as hesitant to expose themselves to your rejection as you are to theirs. Taking the first step to uplift another human being is clearly a sign of courage.

Restoring Balance
There are many themes in literature where mean spirited, spiteful people suffer mental and physical breakdowns due to the consequences of their thoughts and actions. However, once these characters realize the wrongs of their actions, they make amends and restore balance.

To accomplish balance, people must direct their minds to positive change. The mind is like a horse; without a master to rein it in, it does as it pleases. Some of us seem to figuratively have let our minds go out to pasture - having little regard for ourselves or others. Life is much more focused and purposeful when we consciously strive to master our thoughts and actions and follow the dictates of our spirits.

You Hold the Keys That Unlock Entanglements
People look kindly upon others who attempt to restore good relationships. We can begin changing our lives at any moment, because we hold the keys that unlock the entanglements we've made for ourselves.

Bringing out the best in another person will add to the lustre of your own success. When you appreciate other people's efforts and boost their self-worth you are directly helping to form a better world.

If you complain that people don't smile at strangers anymore, or that they aren't friendly, change the status quo by smiling and being friendly yourself. If you lack courage, all the more reason to encourage.