Protocols of Sion #3

Author Konrad Heiden, an anti-Nazi contemporary of Hitler, while denying the authenticity of the Protocols, also saw a certain reality there. 'Today the forgery is incontrovertibly proved, yet something infinitely significant has remained: a textbook of world domination... the great principle of inequality fights to preserve its rule; {Is the principle of inequality behind Nietzsche's 'radical aristocracy'?} the ruling class philosophy of a natural hierarchy, of innate differences between men. Once this principle is expressed in the form of historical events, it also soon assumes the aspect of conspiracy... {Thus the actual historical record is admitted to demonstrate the league of Hegelian/Machiavellian/ Fukayama/Hobbesian/Wagnerians is at least the neo-Platonic similarity and real lock-step 'old boy network' that refutes any concept of Love and Brotherhood egalitarianism. Yet some call people like me conspiratorialists for pointing these real facts out?}The spirit of the Protocols, therefore, contains historical truth, though all the facts put forward in them are forgeries.'

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