Help Your Significant Other Get Into a Healthy Environment (Part 2)

Next, look at their organizational skills. If things are getting put away as they should be, then you are okay. However, if they seem to have an organizational system that is abnormal, then try to understand it. Work within it to a point, but at the same time, guide them towards a more conventional system. This is important, as it will help reduce clutter in the home and in the mind.

It is important that you not arbitrarily change how they have their papers and life organized. Do not make the changes without explaining to your boyfriend or girlfriend what you are doing. Let them be involved in the decisions, as that allows them to take ownership of the new set-up. This will prevent the changes from coming as such a shock and will also encourage them to keep up with the modifications that you are making.

The important part here, however, is not to move too quickly. Start slowly, and move forward at a gradual pace. Start with one room, or one section of a room. Move forward from there, maintaining the same organizational pattern and explaining it each time. Eventually, this will sink in for your significant other as the way to do things. It may take time, so try not to lose your patience with them, because they need to see things for themselves. You are creating a new habit, and depending on how long the old system has been in existence, you may have to encourage this new one for some time before you get the result that you are looking for.

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