Child Recliner Chairs - Where is the One I Want?

If you have been shopping for a child recliner chair then you know that the choices are few. Recliner chairs for adults come in hundreds of styles, colors and fabrics. So, why is it that I can only get a recliner for my son or daughter in a handful of styles and colors?

The child furniture industry has only really started to expand in the last few years. Until then, woodworkers who would create rocking chairs or picnic tables for their children or grand children were one of the only sources for kid furniture. Some of these same woodworkers started making reclining chairs. Usually they would create a wooden template for the chair and would produce this one style. As these chairs caught on they would expand by covering their chair with different fabrics, but rarely did they go to the trouble of creating a completely new template for another style of recliner.

The Internet has made it easier for small child recliner producers to find customers. As demand for these chairs grew, some of these smaller shops sold their patterns to larger manufacturers. Others expanded their production and have become bigger producers of kid furniture. Many are still making only one or two styles of kid recliner chairs.

Internet purchasers need cost effective delivery of these recliner chairs. This too limits style choices, as manufacturers need to be certain that there chairs will fit in boxes and have weights that allow affordable shipping.

Larger retailers have recently started to demand and purchase more variety in the child recliner lines. Fabric choices have increased significantly and the selection of colors available is superb. Style choices still lag, as manufacturers battle to keep costs low, however.

If you are having trouble finding the child recliner you are looking for, send me an email at I have been searching for new recliners for years and will let you know if what you want is available.

Craig J. Clark, owner of numerous child product and furniture web sites, reviews products for children on a continual basis. Find information about Child Recliners, Rocking Chairs, Play Tents, Puppet Theaters and many other items on his web site: