A Little Something About Life

Life is really a very interesting phenomenon. However, usually we are too busy living or worrying about it to really understand its importance. From time-to-time, we need to stand back and take a look at where we've been in our lives in order to understand and appreciate the lessons that we've learned thus far. In turn, doing that helps us to better understand where it is that we are going in the future.

For instance, if we're very aware of our lives, we'll find that life tends to send repetitive messages or lessons to us almost on a daily basis. If we're not aware, it will seem that these repetitions are all new but, in fact, they tend to be the same message in different forms. The more aware we can become of what these messages are trying to "tell us", the more value we can place on them and on how they might help us in given situations. We may not be aware of them the first time, the fiftieth time but...the one hundred-and-first time it may "hit us" so that we now can retain what it is that we've learned now...and for future reference.

An example of this is when we're experiencing pain of either a physical or emotional type. Our tendency might be to view whatever the pain might be as lasting "forever". But, of course it doesn't. When our perception is that it will last, our ability to deal with it effectively may be hampered and so we are increasing the suffering that we're experiencing. However, placing it in its proper perspective...viz. that there is a beginning and end to everything in life...our energy isn't wasted worrying about something that won't happen. We become more aware of the fact that healing is part of the total experience and that we will move into that phase soon enough.

These lessons are meant for us to understand what we've accommplished thusfar in our lives. So, when the next lesson comes upon us much like a "test", we can look back and ralize that there is a similarity between this new lesson and previous ones that we've encountered and successfully learned and completed. This is the primary and important reason why life is referred to by many as a "process" or a "journey" and not just a series of happenings that occur.

In this process, we can then call upon those factors that occurred in the preceding lesson(s) and use them in the lesson that presents itself now. The more we're able to reflect on what we've already accomplished, the less fearful, doubtful and worrysome we will be which, in turn, allows us to be more receptive to the new lesson. Then, we can begin to identify and assess our strengths and weaknesses and apply the necessary remedies to our lives based on that awareness.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on our perspective, we can't predict the future. However, we can still call upon the past in order to deal with the present. In that way, we can take the most positive, successful and effective outcomes from our lives and build upon it right now. And remember, although we can't predict the future, today is only tomorrow yesterday.
