Alpha Hydroxy Acids More Than Just for the Womans Face

Alpha Hydroxy acids are thought of as a product for your face. Did you know? That it can also be used on your hair, hands,feet, ingrown beard? Even if you have oily, dry or even sensitive skin. There is a alpha hydroxy product that will help your skin.

Lets start with the areas of your body that you would not have though of. Do you have dandruff? There is help with alpha hydroxy acids shampoo that you can use once a week and if you do not experience any irritation increase it to twice a week. You may not need to use a dandruff shampoo every day. The best part of about these shampoos are they will strip away the grim that has built up on your hair and retain its moisture.

Like our face, the hands are exposed to the sun and the seamless never ending washing. Even though you may keep a jar of moisturizer in the kitchen, a tube in your purse and probably some under the front seat in the car. The hands still are dry nicked up and looking a little older. Here is another use for the alpha hydroxy acids moisturizer. Try these at night and if you can put up with a pair of cotton gloves or gym socks on so much the better. Now everything does take time But this is a once a week treatment, twice at the most.

Our feet can benefit the same way as our hands do with alpha hydroxy acids moisturizer. For our hands the cream will naturally go on the nails. Witch is good for the nails. Although on your feet you may want to take time to work the cream in and around the nails. There is no need to buy a separate cream for your feet. All we do is ad peppermint essential oil to the hand cream and it gives it a cooling sensation for the feet.

Now I know guys for the most part take little or no time with skin care. But here