Self-Sabotage - Are We Prisoners of the Past?

Many people who suffer from low self-esteem would give
anything to escape their painful feelings of inferiority.
Almost anything, that is.

People are reluctant, even obstinate, when it comes to
giving up their illusions of an idyllic childhood.

And yet, if we are to break free from our mental prisons,
we must become willing to honor the truth of our personal
history. This is the key to removing our invisible
psychological and emotional chains.

Lack of Self-Worth Does Not Develop in a Vacuum

There is just no getting around the fact that our core
beliefs about the world and ourselves and our place in this
world are pretty firmly established by the time we are three
or four years old.

Lack of parental approval in early childhood exacts a heavy
toll. Low self-esteem, the root of all self-sabotaging
behavior, hangs heavy around our necks for life