Insomnia Relief - How You Can Cure It Without a Prescription

Insomnia - Natural Cures

Insomnia is a common problem today, especially in women and men with high stress lifestyles or a history of depression or anxiety. There are natural supplements that will help you fall asleep, and dramatically improve your overall sleep quality, making for many well rested and productive days ahead.

Not only is it a common problem for people, but more specifically, it does tend to affect women - more specifically women past the age of forty - more often and with greater frequency and severity. Lack of sleep can have a devastating impact on one's life. Insomnia has been shown to result in poor focus, productivity, and even to manifest itself in further depression, anxiety and exhaustion.

Mental and physical exhaustion, the ultimate end result of insomnia is a problem that, to say the least, is difficult to live with and has even ruined careers, marriages and other important relationships. Exhaustion and sleep deprivation lead to alterations in personality, lack of will to function and live a quality life, and extreme moodiness and frustration.

There are actually natural supplements that cure insomnia very effectively. In fact, some users even comment that it has worked equivalent to or better than prescription sleep medications they have taken in the past.

Herbal Remedies for Insomnia - What's In Them That Makes Them Work So Efficiently?

Well, the answer to that is twofold. First, the remedy is going to be more effective if it is engineered with quality, potent herbs that are fresh, and have not been dramatically altered from their original state. There are several categories of herbal plants and botanicals that are commonly used today in sleep remedies, and have actually been used for centuries by holistic doctors as alternative treatments for patients with insomnia.

Keep in mind, the best natural insomnia remedies will actually combine several herbs. This way, instead of just getting one benefit, you are getting a synergy of the most effective plants and botanics which target different areas of the brain and nerves to induce calming, relaxation and ultimately, fast sleep.

The categories of herbs and natural compounds used in effective sleep remedies typically will be the following:

1.) Hypnotics

2.) Nerve or Nervine Relaxants

3.) Antispasmodics (Essentially Natural Muscle Relaxers)

4.) Nerve or Nervine Tonics

The effective combination of these types of herbs has ultimately created effective and safe alternatives to sleep medications such as Ambien and Lunesta, with no known side effects, as with their prescription counterparts.

Why Natural Insomnia Cures are Safer

Side effects and warnings for prescription and over the counter or OTC sleep aids have a wide range - from fatal overdose, especially when combined with alcohol or other drugs, impaired coordination and memory, driving skills, and thinking, interference with breathing, dependency, tolerance (taking larger and larger doses to maintain effects), possible kidney liver and lung damage, and confusion or hallucinations.

That's a list that's is a little too long and a little too scary to be taken lightly. Bottom line, if you have trouble sleeping and would like to enjoy a peaceful and complete night's rest, a natural cure for insomnia is very likely to be your knight in shining armor.

Visit Natural Sleep Aids, for more information on a very effective herbal sleep aid. Danna Schneider is the founder of Herbal-Therapeutics Natural Medicines