I've Got Osteoporosis - So What Are The Best Supplements I CanTake?

Humans are designed to consume very high calcium diets however the average adult has a calcium intake of only a fifth to a third as much as people in the stone-age.

The US National Health and Nutrition Health and Examination Survey II shows an average calcium intake for American women of between 300mg and 508mg per day and only 680mg for men. Women and men over 50 need to consume at least 1200 mg per day from food and calcium supplements.

The most recent clinical research clearly points out that all of our diets are critically deficient in calcium and the only way to get enough calcium is through supplementing with calcium liquid supplements.

According to nutritionist and longevity expert, Dr Joel Wallach, if we don't get enough calcium there are as many as 147 calcium deficiency diseases which can result - osteoporosis and arthritis being the most common and debilitating.

Other examples are: degenerative arthritis, high blood pressure, insomnia, kidney stones, bone and heel spurs, twitches and cramps, receding gums, tinnitus, spinal stenosis and prolonged clotting time.

If you are trying to get enough calcium from your diet, good luck...! Most people unfortunately believe that they can get sufficient calcium from drinking milk. This is not true - milk (as we buy it in the shops) is actually a poor source of calcium. This is because it contains high amounts of phosphorus and protein which make it difficult to absorb calcium and cause a lot of calcium to be excreted.

Here are the best dietary sources of calcium: yoghurt, cheese, beans, tofu, Bok Choy, broccoli, spinach and other green leafy vegetables. Check the packaging to see calcium content. The most ideal source of calcium is, of course, in the form of calcium liquid supplements.

Unfortunately the soils in which many of theses foods are grown are also deficient in calcium so even with eating the right foods it can be really difficult - almost impossible - to 'eat' enough calcium.

Foods which have a high phosphorus or fluoride content like in protein, soft drinks and many processed foods, can make things worse by increasing your requirements for calcium as well as causing you to excrete more calcium.

One final point the rate of loss of calcium for all those atheltes and people who sweat heavily is about two to three times higher than normal.

So while it is good to take in calcium from natural sources - it is highly likely that you are not getting enough and you should consider very high quality calcium liquid supplements - particularly if you are already showing signs of a deficiency.

What to Look for in a Calcium Supplement & Why Calcium Liquid Supplements Give You The Best Results

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