How Mind Mapping Can Greatly Enhance Your Memory

An important element of any learning is memory. Without it all our learning will be futile. While some are endowed with razor sharp memory, there are others, who find their memory failing them at the most crucial moments in their life. As in everything else, memory can be improved a great deal by applying some of the memory techniques.

1. In any new learning, you can grasp new information easily by associating the new information with your acquired learning. This will help you to see the relational aspects of certain principles, mechanism, truth or whatever, and lend greater meaning and significance to the information learnt.

2. Studies have revealed that memory is augmented by using both sides of your brain. This is known as whole-brain thinking. The left side of our brain dominates in logic, words, lists, numbers, sequences and analysis, while the right side excels in rhythm, imagination, daydreaming, color, size and spatial awareness. Working on combining the left and right attributes will strengthen memory.

3. Many problems of memory are primarily due to lack of proper attention. .

4. You can visualize what you want to remember by picturing them as a sequence; the more bizarre, humorous and exaggerated the images, greater the recall.

5. You can link the main ideas or items of information by stringing them into an unusual story. E.g. if you have to buy vegetables, pick up laundry and buy toys, you could link them into a story: Tomato quashes on your shirt, you have to go to the laundry for cleaning when Mickey Mouse welcomes you.

6. Using acronyms is an effective way for remembering items in an order by making a word out of each item to be recalled. E.g. My Very Elegant Mother Just Served Us Nine Peas