It's Time Once Again for..."From Time to Time"

From time to time I share with my readers some of the reasons (there are about 10,000 of them and growing) why my wife and I packed up and left the United States never (and yes, Colleen, never is a longtime) to return. It is time, once again, to share even more reasons why we left America and live in Mexico:

Reasons why we live in Mexico and not the USA:

1. America is the land of extremist lunatics. They are everywhere in and about any conceivable subject. PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or as I call them, the People Who Are Loony, Psychopathic, and Freakazoids, or PALPAF, are at it again. They are wanting to traumatize children into become vegetarians. Scare and terror are their tactics. Listen to this: