I was sitting at my kitchen table one night
So troubled and confused when I saw the light
I picked up the dusty Bible my mama gave me
Opened it up to Psalm 40 and verse three

I called on the Lord in my deep despair
He gloriously saved me at my kitchen chair
Now he has given me a new song to sing
About my Lord and savior and soon coming king

He saved my soul and filled me with great joy
When I was born again, a brand new boy
I'm so glad that Jesus came and saved me
Loosed the chains of darkness and set me free

Gave me peace and joy from on high
My soul was so light I could fly
The Lord filled me with a thirst for his word
The sweetest words I've ever read or heard

From Genesis to Revelation I read and read
As manna from heaven filled my heart and head
I read that Jesus loves me as the story did unfold
In His loving arms the whole world he does hold

I will never cease to love the one who died for me
I know that heaven is a real place and there I will be
With Jesus and loved ones who have gone on before
I am so thankful he came into my heart's door

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

About the Author

Author of My Walk with the Lord, www.selahbooks.com, various other articles and poems (google my name), preacher, retired military