Fundamentals of a Women's Ministry

Scriptural Basis: The scriptural basis gives the priority elements of the ministry. Other ministries can be added, but these should be the main activities. Ministry mean service. Therefore, the purpose of the Women's Ministry is always to serve.

Mathew 25: feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick, love of strangers (Hospitality) and visit the prisoners Titus 2: Older women to teach the younger women James 5:20 care for widows and orphans I Peter 4:10 Use our God-given gifts to serve one another Matthew 28:19-20 Sharing the Good News

All of the following are suggestions. Use the ideas that fit your group. Use your creativity to build on the above foundation. Format: Two or more chairpersons. (In the case of a multi-cultural congregation, please include representatives from each ethnic group represented among your women).

Rationale: The reason for two or more persons as chairpersons is to keep the territorial mind-set from forming. The two chairpersons are to work together