Keyword Prominence

After preparing your list about keywords well, you should begin placing those keywords on your website. But, which part on the website should it be placed?

1. Title Tags

As you open a front page via the web browser, the Title tag would appear on the top of the front page as usual.

As for the search engine, the Title tag is vitally crucial. Comparing with other parts on the website, the part of search engine stands high proportion for the Title tag. So, to put keywords into this tag is the turning point of heightening the vision scale of search engine. Besides, the Tile tag would also appear on the searching result of search engine and then be hyper-linked to your website. Therefore, that the Title tag is described well or not relates to if browsers can be drawn attraction to click your website as choosing from numerous searching results. And Title tag is the first description that people can read as searching results are shown via search engine; thus, make the Title tag easier as possible as you can so that people can realize what your website is about.

2. Meta Description

Meta Description is kind of HTML tag and mainly used to describe the content of the front page. But these years the Meta tag isn