White Sun - Life of Kuan Ti

Kuan Ti was born in 162 AD during the period of the warring states of the Three Kingdoms. Born as Kuan Yu he led a simple life and made his living by selling bean curds. He also devoted much of his time to serious study and on one occasion displayed his talent by reciting the entire volume of the classic word for word after only reading it once.

Kuan Yu was a righteous man who loved justice and was more than eight feet tall. His love for fair-play put him into trouble when he killed the licentious and corrupt magistrate who forced a poor girl to be his concubine. This made him into a criminal and had to flee for his life into the mountain. He came upon a stream while crossing to the neighboring province and stopped for a wash. Immediately after that he noticed a transformation to his appearance. His facial complexion had changed from white to reddish tint which saved him from easy passage through the sentries who were guarding the mountain pass.

Upon reaching Chu-Chou of the Szechuan Province he befriended two men who shared his noble ideals and virtues that they ended up as