Matthew 9.11: "And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your master with publicans and sinners?"

The Lord led me to our local coffee shop, the Huddle House, as part of my ministry. I often sit and talk with others who are not Christians. Many, many times, these people have opened up to me and many have asked me to pray for them.

I was sitting there one night with a Christian friend and we were having sweet fellowship discussing the Lord and his ways. I looked up and saw one of the men with whom I had often had conversations over a cup of coffee. The Holy Spirit quickened me and tears came into my eyes. My Christian brother, Mike, said, "What's wrong?" I replied, "See that man over there? He is about to die." As I spoke these words, Mike was also touched by the Holy Ghost who confirmed the truth of what I had stated. I asked the Lord to open the door of opportunity for me to speak to this man about his eternal destiny.

A few weeks later, I saw this man and he looked tired and discouraged. He told me that he had just found out he was ate up with cancer (he was 50 years old), and the doctors had given him just a few months to live. I began to talk to him about Jesus and then I prayed for him. As I prayed, I asked the Lord to save him and to have His way and will. God can heal anything, yet the most important thing to be healed is the heart. You must have Jesus in your heart if you want to go to heaven.

This man's health rapidly declined, and the day before he died, I went to see him. Although he could not talk, walk, feed or bathe himself, he knew I was there. As I prayed for him, tears filled both our eyes as the Lord's presence came upon us. I know I'll see him again one day in the sweet by and by. Jesus saves!

The Lord had revealed this man's soon coming death to me, so I could pray for him and point him to Calvary. He died within three months of the Lord's revelation unto me.

Matthew 18.11 "For the son of man is come to save that which was lost."

Copyright 2003 Irvin L. Rozier

About the Author

Author of My Walk with the Lord, www.selahbooks.com, preacher, retired military