Sales Myth #14 - Enthusiasm is the Key to a Successful Sales Pitch

There are many myths associated with the culture of selling. The social sciences characterize a myth as a story or theme that embodies a particular idea or aspect of a culture.

Here's the "story" on which Sales Myth #14 is based:

An enthusiastic salesperson will make more sales than an unenthusiastic salesperson.

Your marketing and sales success will increase proportionately to your level of enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm is contagious.

When you give an enthusiastic presentation about your company, your product or your service--- your prospects will follow your lead, become enthused themselves, and buy from you.

Here's the problem created by Sales Myth #14:

Enthusiastic salespeople have a tendency to turn people off rather than on. Ooops!

Is that hard for you to swallow?

It was for me.

In the mid-1980