The Importance of Protein as a Sports Nutrition Supplement - Part Two

How does exercise affect my protein requirement?
Numerous studies involving both endurance and strength exercise have shown that the current recommended protein intake of 0.75 g/kg body weight/day is inadequate for people who participate in regular exercise or sport. Additional protein is needed to compensate for the increased breakdown of protein during and immediately after exercise, and to facilitate repair and growth. Exercise triggers the activation of an enzyme that oxidises key amino acids in the muscle, which are then used as a fuel source. The greater the exercise intensity and the longer the duration of exercise, the more protein is broken down for fuel.

Your exact protein needs depends on the type, intensity and duration of your training. How these needs differ for endurance athletes and strength power athletes are discussed in detail below:

Endurance Training
Prolonged and intense endurance training increases your protein requirements for two reasons. Firstly, you will need more protein to compensate for the increased breakdown of protein during training. When your muscle glycogen stores are low