To Web or Not to Web

People say "you can easily sell anything on the Internet". If you take a look at, you'll probably tend to agree. The stories of people selling a piece of toast with an image of the Blessed Mary burnt on it, ice chips from the iceburg that sank the Titanic and potato chips resembling famous actors -- they're all true. Hey, some people can sell anything when the right customer comes along.

The truth is, if you want to sell a product on the Internet and be successful, you should be able to not only sell the product, but also deliver the product on the Internet. Thus, information products are the best items to sell over the Internet. You can sell the other products I named above, as well as a myriad of others, but it's tougher. Why? Because of the number of people on the Internet, that's why.

There are huge numbers of people on the Internet. This can work against you because it makes it tough to target your market. Just because there's 12,000,000 people out there doesn't mean that all 12,000,000 are interested in buying an antique chair from you. In fact, maybe only