6 Natural Products to Help With RSI

The Carpal tunnel is the passageway through the wrist that protects the nerves and tendons that extend into the hand. The meridian nerve that passes through it is close to nine tendons and if any of these become injured or if the tissues of the tunnel become swollen and inflamed, this nerve will get compressed. This causes numbness, tingling and often and incredible pain that shoots up and down the arm and is always worse at night.

This is the single most common occupational illness now reported and is always the result of repetitive movements causing repetitive strain injuries (RSI), such as typing on a computer keyboard.

Natural Methods for coping with RSI

Some sufferers have been shown to be deficient in vitamin B6 and in trials, a number of patients taking 100mg twice a day for 12 weeks, were able to reduce their intake of painkillers and avoid surgery.

RSI is caused by inflammation. Taking Natural anti-inflammatories will help bring the inflammation down.

Here are a few Natural anti-inflammatories you can use:

Did you know...

In the UK, the NHS bill for treating gastric bleeding caused by anti-inflammatory drugs is currently running at