The Real Secret of Success Behind the Overnight Rise of Online Giants

It is hard to believe that a billion-dollar juggernaut like Google did not exist 10 short years ago. In fact many other online giants like Yahoo! And Ebay, to name just two others, are hardly into their teens.

So what is so special about these organizations? What has caused this new breed of corporate giants to leave older and wiser corporate entities groping in the dust as they relentlessly march forward? What is the real secret of success behind these titans?

On careful and close examination, there can only one answer, their real power is in their people. Right from their founders working their way out of obscurity (why is it always in some garage somewhere?) to the first dedicated team of staffers who join in the vision and right up to the much larger team that drives forward the juggernaut of today, the attitude is the same. Dedication, long hours and highly motivated people who are determined to make their contribution to changing the world forever.

That is what has driven these modern online giants that are the envy of everybody. That is the real secret behind their phenomenal success stories.

These fairy tales actually tell us a lot. They remind us that even in this modern hi-tech information age we live in, people are still more important than the wonderful machines that we have built. But even more importantly, it shows everybody what can be achieved when the people in an organization are inspired enough to constantly generate ideas for improvement. It clearly illustrates the possibilities when the people in an organization care enough about what they do to be just a little creative.

It proves yet again that there is really no limit to what can be achieved by an organization that is run by motivated people who are excited about what they are doing.

This, more than any sales pitch, should inspire corporate leaders everywhere to make every effort and to do everything in their power to tap into this amazingly powerful resource that is at their disposal. And, simply, all you gotta do is ask!
