How to Practice Creative Imagination for Problem-Solving

Engaging in creative imagination is a practice that follows a specific process. To do it successfully, keep in mind that for centuries in ancient times, it was performed as a sacred ritual, with great reverence and according to explicit rules. Today imagination is no longer considered the gift of Muses, but seen as a mental function studied by scientific research. However different our approach to it may be, the process of tapping into our creative imagination today follows exactly the same steps as in the Greek religion almost three millennia ago. The steps described below will help you complete the exercises at the end of the chapter.

1. Define the Problem With Which You Need Help. This may be a project that is not progressing, a dilemma you have a hard time resolving, a difficulty you are facing regarding the future, etc. Be specific in naming the problem. Do not make a list of issues that bother you, but write in one sentence what seems to be the problem. This may be more difficult than you think, because you may have to examine several issues troubling you until you pinpoint the one that captures the essence of your difficulty. The exercises in the previous chapters should help you pinpoint this core issue.

2. Engage in the Realm of Imagination, Invoke the Helping Figures, and Open a Dialogue. Set a specific time aside, sit in a quiet, private space, close your eyes and stay silent for a few moments. Ask gently: