High Blood Pressure- The Silent Killer

High blood pressure is often called the silent killer because you can have it for years without being aware of it. Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries. The more blood your heart pumps and the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure. Blood pressure consists of two numbers: the top number indicates Systolic pressure; the amount of pressure your heart generates when pumping blood out through your arteries. The bottom number indicates Diastolic; the amount of pressure in your arteries when your heart is at rest. Some causes of high blood pressure are kidney disease, thyroid disease, abnormal blood vessels, preeclamsia, sleep apnea, and adrenal disease.

Many of the signs and symptoms for high blood pressure are often ignored. They can include a dull ache in the back of the head, excessive perspiration and muscle cramps, weakness, frequent urination and rapid or irregular heartbeat. Though many people experience these symptoms they may experience all of the symptoms at all times and may attribute the symptoms to another cause. Always check with your doctor if you have any of above the symptoms.

There are many risk factors for high blood pressure. Be sure you know your family history and risk factors so you can make informed choices when it comes to your healthcare. Some of the risk factors are:

AGE: your risk increases with age.

RACE: High blood pressure occurs more frequently in blacks than any other racial group

SEX: High blood pressure is more common in men than women before the age of 60. However after the age of 60 the reverse is true.

FAMILY HISTORY: Some families have a history of high blood pressure

OBSEITY: The greater body mass you have the more blood you need to supply oxygen and nutrients to your tissues.

INACTIVITY: Lack of physical activity increases your risk.

TOBACCO USE: Nicotine constricts your blood vessels and forces your heart to work harder.

SODIUM: People who are sodium sensitive have fluid retention and increased blood pressure when using sodium.