Words: Use Them To Motivate

Everybody chatters and talks; we all use words. Pack a power punch and use them to your advantage. Impact your market, stoke your fires, and burn your bridges with action words that set your sales in motion by activating the motivating power of words with purpose.

When your words struggle to make a point, ramble and miss the target, your consumer disappears into the boredom and doldrums of discontent, seeking something more invigorating to read. However, if you capture their attention, motivate them into action, and bring them to the buying table with money in their fuzzy little palms, they purchase your products and come back for more.

The power is yours. Do you ramble and dawdle along loosing the interest of your prospective clients with passive phrasing and indirect soft language? Or do you energize them with power words?

What is a power word? You ask. Whoa, verbs. Words that do something, tell you something, activate your imagination, bring your client to life, and set them to motion. IF you leave your client dancing in the sunshine and delight of anticipation for the arrival of your product or service, you