Lady Lorraine Speaks Wisdom

This is a posting from my favorite on-line research venue where many people have gathered to help each other.

Dear Healing...

First may I say that your defensive attitude towards what was posted here only shows that you have closed yourself down. While I do not agree with how confronting you on the issues are used to make you see that you had placed yourself as a guru here, I understand why they are being utilized. Such statements as: "Well, Bob's home, and,-I'm off DUTY!!~Yay~ only displays your own thoughts of how you had to teach everyone your lessons. Release yourself from such thinking. As I tried in a gentle way a while ago to tell you we are all our own coaches. While it is good to share what you have learned with others and speak on it, the art of listening has many understated values that can enrich our lives. I think at this time instead of ranting and raving you should take this time to relax and listen to others. When left to our own minds and voice, combined with not listening to others, we can only stroll down the road to an insane region.

Using the methods of PPC is not only for females. This type of thinking is displayed in both genders as I well know working with both sexes reversing the negative self image thinking into a positive mind set that not only includes self image but a view of the world as a whole. Balanced thinking. I chose to work with young women because that is where I can share my experience. By stating that the program I work in is female based I am only stating that I feel that at that tender age young girls need to be separated from the boys as well as visa versa. There are programs as we speak using PPC in a mixed gender based facility. It works. I believe your reaction here was mislead. I can only hope that you can be BIG enough to see that you are negating any positive energy that you may have put out there by posting on the boards with how you are reacting.

We all are healing, and we all have the responsibility of connectiveness to share our process with others. A truly healing individual will not react in the negative realm, nor will they be threatened by the opinions of others, therefore reacting in such manners as: name calling, running away, denial, anger and resentment.

You have an outstanding thirst for knowledge, but you took it upon yourself to proclaim yourself as the Guru of this site. There are no gurus. Robert is not so, Skull, Java, myself and any others that started the group. We are here to share the knowledge. It is the reader